How to Choose the Right Can Filling Machine | XINMAO

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How to Select an Ideal Can Filling Machine

When designing your can filling equipment, you will most likely be requesting a semi-automatic or fully automatic can filling machine that’s customized tailored to the specifications of your liquid filling line. The quality of beverages you deal in may range from water, juices, and even carbonated drinks, and to operate efficiently in this industry, having the right filling machine becomes essential. Can filling machines come in different sizes and may be specialized to function efficiently with cans of specific diameters. Once you are clear about your production requirements, you would need to acquire the correct can filling machine that would help you meet same.
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At XINMAO, the can filling machines we manufacture are equipped with the most advanced technology available in can filling and blowing. The equipment not only guarantees the right volume of liquid sealed in every can, it ensures that micro filming is achieved, resulting in the filling of the very first can excluding the rest. Elongated throughput times are a problem of the past and replacing them is shorter lead times thanks to ground-breaking technology that can be easily adjusted to filling cans of different shapes and sizes. The Liquid Packaging Equipment industry thrives on this very innovation and at XINMAO, we are unceasingly investing and growing in our research and development.

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Filling a can is a process that requires one to consider a number of factors when selecting the right can fillg machine. First, bear in mind the kind of liquid to be filled because different kinds of liquids require even different filling technologies. Look at the production capacity that you will need to meet the demand in the market and ensure that the output required can be met by the machine. The machine should also be assessed concerning the sizes and types of cans that it can fill since it will influence the operational efficiency. Finally, customers should have concern about the service network of the manufacturers, and other support so that the equipment can be serviced without problems for years.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can XINMAO’s can-filling machines be used with every sort of liquid?

Rest assured! Our can filling machines are flexible as they can accommodate a variety of materials including or not limited to beer, soda drinks, juices, water, and other fluids as well. That is why when we manufacture them, we take all prime factors of different models with separate viscosity and gas pressure into consideration.

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Customer Reviews

John Smith

The can filling machine we purchased from XINMAO has appreciably increased the speed and reliability of the production. Their support team was outstanding during installation and training

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Performance and Accuracy as a Pareto Focus

Performance and Accuracy as a Pareto Focus

Our can filling machines have been built with high efficiency ensuring that minimum filling is wasted. This increases the efficiency of your production processes and increases product quality, which is a necessity in nowadays’ competitive markets.
Strong Apparatuses for Better Workability

Strong Apparatuses for Better Workability

Our machines are built with the best materials and technology available for many years of hard work. This strength minimizes downtimes and maintenance, allowing you to focus on running your business without interruptions.
International Support Structure

International Support Structure

XINMAO has a unified support structure across the globe. Our active personnel carry out installation, servicing, and fault-diagnosing of equipment so that your production line is never idle and non-operative.